The Agency NY

Playing by Our Own Set of Rules

Teba Siles | · 17 min. read

The Agency was founded by real estate agents for real estate agents who aspired to progress and modernize the industry. Mauricio Umansky, Billy Rose, and their founding partners set out to foster a culture of partnership where agents could share their knowledge and spheres of influence. We threw out the rulebook and created our own. 


No Assholes. We’re firm on that one.

Company Policy: 

• No Tolerance for Toxic Behavior

Policy Statement:

• We maintain a zero-tolerance policy for toxic behavior, including but not limited to bullying, harassment, discrimination, and disrespectful conduct. We firmly believe that creating a positive and respectful work environment is essential for our employees’ well-being and our organization’s success.


• Promote Respectful Conduct: We expect all employees to treat each other with respect, dignity, and professionalism, fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture.

• Zero Tolerance for Toxic Behavior: We do not tolerate toxic behavior, including verbal or physical harassment, discrimination based on protected characteristics, bullying, intimidation, or any conduct that undermines a respectful work environment.

• Reporting and Addressing Concerns: We encourage employees to report any instances of toxic behavior through established reporting channels, such as HR or management. All reports will be promptly and thoroughly investigated, and appropriate action will be taken based on the findings.

• Support and Resources: We support employees who have experienced or witnessed toxic behavior, including access to counseling services, HR support, and resources for addressing workplace conflicts and concerns.

• Training and Awareness: We offer training programs and awareness campaigns to educate employees about the importance of respectful conduct, diversity, inclusion, and the consequences of toxic behavior.

• Accountability: Employees who engage in toxic behavior will be held accountable for their actions, which may result in disciplinary measures, up to and including termination of employment, depending on the severity and recurrence of the behavior.


• This policy applies to all employees, contractors, vendors, and visitors associated with The Agency Marbella. 

• All employees must read, understand, and adhere to this policy.


Our unique perspective on the world drives our business, fuels innovation, and fosters creativity.

Company Policy: 

• Fostering Fun, Innovation, and Creativity

Policy Statement:

• We embrace Rule #2: Have Fun. We believe that a fun and enjoyable work environment enhances employee satisfaction, fuels innovation, fosters creativity, and drives business success. We encourage a unique perspective on the world that inspires our teams to think differently and approach challenges with enthusiasm and creativity.


• Promote Work-Life Balance: We encourage a healthy work-life balance that allows employees to recharge, relax, and pursue their passions outside of work. This balance contributes to overall well-being and enhances job satisfaction.

• Embrace Creativity: We foster a culture of creativity and innovation where employees are encouraged to think outside the box, experiment with new ideas, and contribute innovative solutions to challenges.

• Support for Passion Projects: We support employees’ passion projects and endeavors that align with our values and contribute positively to personal growth, skill development, and creativity.

• Fun Activities and Events: We organize fun activities, team-building events, and celebrations to foster camaraderie, boost morale, and create memorable employee experiences.

• Recognition of Creative Contributions: We recognize and celebrate employees demonstrating creativity, initiative, and innovation. This recognition encourages a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

• Open Communication and Collaboration: We encourage open communication, collaboration, and sharing of ideas across teams and departments, creating a dynamic and supportive environment for creativity to flourish.


• This policy applies to all employees, contractors, vendors, and stakeholders associated with The Agency Marbella.

• All employees are encouraged to embrace creativity, have fun at work, and contribute positively to our unique perspective and innovative culture.

• Human Resources, in collaboration with management and team leaders, promotes and supports a fun, creative, and innovative work environment.


We began as disruptors, and disruptors we shall remain.

Company Policy: 

• Embracing a Culture of Innovation and Disruption

Policy Statement:

• We live by Rule #3: Stay Hungry. We embrace a culture of innovation, disruption, and continuous improvement, always challenging the status quo and seeking new ways to drive growth, excel in our industry, and exceed customer expectations.


• Embrace Change: We encourage employees to embrace change, adapt to evolving market trends, and proactively seek opportunities for innovation and improvement in all aspects of our business.

• Foster Entrepreneurial Mindset: We cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset among employees, empowering them to take calculated risks, explore new ideas, and experiment with innovative solutions to business challenges.

• Encourage Learning and Development: We provide opportunities for ongoing learning, skill development, and professional growth to equip employees with the knowledge, tools, and mindset needed to stay ahead in a fast-paced and competitive industry.

• Reward Initiative and Boldness: We recognize and reward employees who demonstrate initiative, boldness, and a hunger for success, whether through new business ideas, process improvements, or strategic initiatives that drive positive change.

• Promote Collaboration and Cross-Functional Teams: We promote collaboration across departments and encourage cross-functional teams to work together on innovative projects, leveraging diverse perspectives and expertise to achieve shared goals.

• Customer-Centric Innovation: We prioritize customer-centric innovation, listening to customer feedback, anticipating their needs, and delivering solutions that exceed their expectations, thereby maintaining our position as disruptors in the market.


• This policy applies to all employees, contractors, vendors, and stakeholders associated with The Agency Marbella.

• All employees are encouraged to embrace a mindset of innovation, disruption, and continuous improvement in their roles and contributions to the company.

• Human Resources, in collaboration with leadership and innovation teams, is responsible for fostering a culture of innovation, providing resources for innovation initiatives, and recognizing innovative contributions.


When you work with one of us, you work with all of us.

Company Policy:

Commitment to Unity and Collaboration

Policy Statement:

At The Agency Marbella, Rule #4 is “All for One and One for All.” We believe in unity and collaboration, ensuring that when you work with one of us, you benefit from the collective expertise and support of our entire team.


Team Collaboration: We foster a culture of teamwork and collaboration, encouraging employees to work together seamlessly to deliver exceptional results for our clients.

Shared Responsibility: We believe in shared responsibility and accountability, where each team member takes ownership of their tasks while supporting and assisting others to achieve common goals.

Open Communication: We promote open and transparent communication within the team, ensuring that information is shared effectively, ideas are exchanged freely, and feedback is welcomed and valued.

Mutual Support: We provide mutual support and assistance to each other, leveraging our collective knowledge, skills, and resources to overcome challenges and deliver outstanding service to our clients.

Continuous Learning: We embrace a culture of constant learning and development, encouraging ongoing education, training, and skill enhancement to stay ahead of industry trends and deliver innovative solutions to our clients.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, vendors, and stakeholders associated with The Agency Marbella.

All team members are expected to embrace the principles of unity and collaboration, working together cohesively to achieve shared objectives and deliver exceptional service to our clients.

Management is responsible for fostering a collaborative environment, facilitating open communication, and providing the necessary support and resources to promote teamwork and shared success.


Anticipating needs and going the extra mile is just our standard

Company Policy: 

• Commitment to Excellence in Customer Service

Policy Statement:

• At The Agency Marbella, Rule #5 is “We’re Here to Serve.” We are committed to delivering exceptional customer service by anticipating needs, going the extra mile, and setting a standard of excellence in every interaction with our customers and clients.


• Customer-Centric Approach: We prioritize the needs and satisfaction of our customers above all else, striving to exceed their expectations and provide solutions that add value to their experience.

• Anticipate Customer Needs: We proactively anticipate customer needs by staying informed about industry trends, understanding their preferences and pain points, and offering personalized solutions that address their specific requirements.

• Empathy and Understanding: We approach every customer interaction with empathy, understanding, and a willingness to listen, ensuring that their concerns are heard, acknowledged, and addressed promptly and effectively.

• Go the Extra Mile: We go above and beyond to deliver exceptional service, whether providing timely assistance, resolving issues promptly, or offering additional support and resources to enhance the customer experience.

• Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuous improvement in our customer service processes, policies, and practices. We regularly seek feedback from customers, analyze data, and implement improvements to enhance service delivery and customer satisfaction.

• Training and Development: We invest in training and development programs for our employees to equip them with the skills, knowledge, and tools needed to consistently deliver outstanding customer service.


• This policy applies to all employees, contractors, vendors, and stakeholders associated with The Agency Marbella. 

• All employees are expected to commit to excellence in customer service and actively contribute to creating a positive and memorable experience for our customers.

• Human Resources, in collaboration with customer service teams, is responsible for providing training, guidance, and support to ensure adherence to this policy and continuous improvement in customer service standards.


We’ve elected to stand apart, be ourselves, and have our voices heard.

Company Policy: 

• Encouraging Individuality and Expression

Policy Statement:

• At The Agency Marbella, Rule #6 is “Make Some Noise.” We encourage individuality, authenticity, and the expression of diverse perspectives, empowering our employees to stand apart, be themselves, and have their voices heard in a supportive and inclusive environment.


• Celebrate Diversity: We celebrate the diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints among our employees, recognizing that it enriches our workplace and contributes to creativity, innovation, and problem-solving.

• Encourage Authenticity: We encourage employees to be authentic, genuine, and true to themselves, fostering an environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing their ideas, opinions, and concerns openly and honestly.

• Promote Inclusivity: We promote inclusivity by actively listening to and valuing different perspectives, avoiding bias or discrimination, and creating opportunities for collaboration and dialogue among employees from diverse backgrounds.

• Empowerment: We empower employees to make meaningful contributions, take initiative, and lead initiatives that align with their passions and strengths, creating a culture of empowerment and ownership.

• Supportive Environment: We create a supportive environment where employees feel encouraged to take risks, learn from failures, and grow personally and professionally without fear of judgment or reprisal.

• Recognition and Acknowledgment: We recognize and acknowledge employees who contribute positively, share valuable insights, challenge the status quo, and champion diversity, inclusion, and individuality within the company.


• This policy applies to all employees, contractors, vendors, and stakeholders associated with The Agency Marbella. 

• All employees are encouraged to embrace their individuality, express their unique perspectives, and contribute to a culture of inclusivity, openness, and empowerment.

• Human Resources, in collaboration with leadership and diversity teams, is responsible for promoting and supporting an environment that values individuality and encourages meaningful contributions from all employees.


We make the headlines black, white, and red all over. And leave them wanting more.

Company Policy: 

• Open and Transparent Communication

Policy Statement:

• At Rule #7 is “Tell It Like It Is.” We believe in open, honest, and transparent internal and external communication, ensuring that information is conveyed accurately, clearly, and effectively to leave a lasting impact and create a sense of curiosity and engagement.


• Open Communication: We promote a culture of open communication where employees are encouraged to speak their minds, share ideas, provide feedback, and ask questions without fear of reprisal or judgment.

• Honesty and Integrity: We uphold principles of honesty, integrity, and ethical behavior in all communications, ensuring that information is presented truthfully, accurately, and in a manner that aligns with our values and standards.

• Transparency: We strive for transparency in decision-making processes, policies, and practices, keeping employees informed about key developments, changes, and initiatives that impact their work and the organization as a whole.

• Clarity and Conciseness: We communicate information in a clear, concise, and easily understandable manner, avoiding jargon, complexity, or ambiguity that may hinder comprehension or create confusion.

• Timeliness: We prioritize timely communication, providing updates, feedback, and responses promptly to ensure that information is relevant, actionable, and impactful.

• Engagement and Curiosity: We aim to engage and pique curiosity through our communication efforts, leaving employees, clients, and stakeholders wanting more information, eager to learn, and motivated to participate in discussions and initiatives.


• This policy applies to all forms of communication within The Agency Marbella, including verbal, written, electronic, and non-verbal communication.

• All employees are expected to adhere to open, honest, and transparent communication principles in their interactions with colleagues, clients, vendors, and stakeholders.

• Human Resources, in collaboration with communication and leadership teams, is responsible for promoting and supporting effective communication practices and addressing any issues or concerns related to communication within the organization.


Because following the crowd will take you no further than the crowd.

Company Policy: 

• Embracing Innovation and Boldness

Policy Statement:

• At The Agency Marbella, Rule #8 is “More of the Same is Never an Option.” We embrace innovation, creativity, and boldness, recognizing that standing out and pushing boundaries is essential for growth, progress, and staying ahead in a competitive market.


• Embrace Innovation: We encourage employees to think innovatively, challenge conventional thinking, and explore new ideas, technologies, and approaches to drive positive change and improvement.

• Continuous Improvement: We prioritize continuous improvement in all aspects of our business, seeking opportunities to enhance processes, products, services, and strategies to deliver more excellent value and impact.

• Adaptability: We foster an environment of adaptability and flexibility, where employees are empowered to adapt to changing circumstances, embrace new challenges, and pivot when necessary to achieve our goals.

• Risk-Taking and Experimentation: We support calculated risk-taking and experimentation, recognizing that failure is a natural part of innovation and learning. Employees are encouraged to take informed risks and learn from both successes and failures.

• Challenge the Status Quo: We challenge the status quo by questioning assumptions, seeking alternative perspectives, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible, driving continuous innovation and growth.

• Reward Boldness: We recognize and reward employees who demonstrate boldness, initiative, and a willingness to step outside their comfort zones to drive positive change and innovation within the organization.


• This policy applies to all employees, contractors, vendors, and stakeholders associated with The Agency Marbella. 

• All employees are encouraged to embrace innovation, boldness, and a mindset of continuous improvement in their roles and contributions to the company.

• Human Resources, in collaboration with leadership and innovation teams, is responsible for promoting a culture of innovation, providing resources for experimentation and risk-taking, and recognizing and rewarding innovative contributions.


We seek out like-minded rebels who embrace our core standards of integrity, collaboration, and creativity

Company Policy: 

• Cultivating Visionaries and Collaborators

Policy Statement:

• At The Agency, Marbella Rule #9 is “Dare to Dream.” We actively seek out like-minded rebels who share our core values of integrity, collaboration, and creativity and who dare to dream big, challenge norms, and inspire innovation and positive change.


• Cultivate Visionaries: We seek employees who possess a visionary mindset, daring to dream big, envision possibilities, and drive initiatives that push boundaries and drive positive transformation within the organization.

• Embrace Core Values: We prioritize core values such as integrity, honesty, transparency, collaboration, and creativity in all aspects of our operations, fostering a culture where these values guide decision-making and behavior

• Collaborative Culture: We promote a collaborative culture where employees work together, share ideas, leverage diverse perspectives, and co-create solutions that deliver value to customers, stakeholders, and the organization.

• Encourage Innovation: We encourage employees to innovate, experiment, and explore new ideas and technologies that have the potential to disrupt markets, drive growth, and create lasting impact.

• Support for Dreamers: We provide support, resources, and opportunities for employees to pursue their dreams, whether through innovative projects, entrepreneurial ventures, or personal development initiatives aligned with their passions and aspirations.

• Recognition and Appreciation: We recognize and appreciate employees who embody our core values, demonstrate visionary leadership, foster collaboration, and contribute to a culture of creativity and innovation.


• This policy applies to all employees, contractors, vendors, and stakeholders associated with The Agency Marbella.

• All employees are encouraged to embrace the spirit of “Dare to Dream,” align with our core values and contribute positively to a culture of vision, collaboration, and creativity.

• Human Resources, in collaboration with leadership and talent acquisition teams, is responsible for attracting, retaining, and developing employees who embody our core values and contribute to a culture of innovation and collaboration.


Except for our Rule #1: No Assholes. We’re firm on that one.

Company Policy: 

• Embracing Innovation and Flexibility, Except Rule #1

Policy Statement:

• Rule #10 is “Rules Were Meant to Be Broken,” except our firm Rule #1: No Assholes. We encourage a culture of innovation, flexibility, and adaptability, empowering employees to challenge norms, think outside the box, and explore new possibilities while steadfastly maintaining a respectful and positive workplace environment.


• Embrace Innovation and Flexibility: We encourage employees to embrace innovation, flexibility, and adaptability in their approach to work, processes, and problem-solving, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and growth.

• Challenge Conventional Thinking: We encourage employees to challenge conventional thinking, question existing rules and procedures, and explore new ways of achieving goals and delivering value to customers and stakeholders.

• Creative Problem-Solving: We promote creative problem-solving by empowering employees to experiment, take calculated risks, and explore unconventional solutions that may lead to breakthroughs and innovation.

• Respect for Rule #1: No Assholes: While we encourage breaking the rules in many aspects, Rule #1: No Assholes remains non-negotiable. We maintain a zero-tolerance policy for toxic behavior, harassment, discrimination, or conduct that undermines a respectful and positive workplace environment.

• Balance Innovation with Responsibility: Employees are encouraged to balance innovation and creativity with responsibility, ensuring their actions align with our core values, legal and ethical standards, and respect for colleagues and stakeholders.


• This policy applies to all employees, contractors, vendors, and stakeholders associated with [Company Name].

• All employees are expected to embrace a mindset of innovation, flexibility, and responsibility while upholding Rule #1: No Assholes.

• Human Resources, in collaboration with leadership and compliance teams, is responsible for promoting a culture of innovation, supporting creative initiatives, and enforcing adherence to Rule #1.