Marbella hotels tourism

Historic record of hotel occupancy on the Costa del Sol

Teba Siles | · 2 min. read

It was expected to be the best summer in history in terms of tourist volume and so it is. The hoteliers of the Costa del Sol had doubts about the reservations for August that have been dispelled with a spectacular data: the hotels of the Costa del Sol have closed the month of August with an average hotel occupancy of 92.89%, 5% more than last year, according to the data of the Association of Hotel Businessmen of the Costa del Sol, AEHCOS. Overall, the average occupancy rate for the months of July and August was 88.7%, two points above the previous year.

The Malaga hotel employers’ association highlights the impact of international tourism, which accounted for 60% of overnight stays compared to 40% of Spanish tourists, despite the fact that August is the holiday month par excellence in our country.

As for the IBCA (Average Gross Impact per Customer Accommodated), there was a drop with respect to last year, with 135.76 euros compared to 143.51 euros recorded last year.

A good summer practically guarantees the profitability of the establishment during the whole year, since occupancies and prices in low season are lower and there are even hotels that close. Hoteliers, cautious by nature, must therefore be happy, especially when there was uncertainty before the summer due to the possible effects of the drought.

“It has been a good month for the entire hotel sector in Malaga with up to 6 municipalities that have exceeded 90% occupancy,” stressed José Luque, president of Aehcos, who has also called for prudence in the face of the end of the summer season. “Last minute bookings and offers driven by the hotel plant have served to favor the good figures obtained,” added Luque.

Marbella expects to maintain the high season and break the seasonality

And the forecast for this fall season, which is also usually months for the sector, is positive. 85% and 82% respectively, according to data provided by the Association of Hotel Businessmen of the Costa del Sol (Aehcos). About the future forecasts, the mayor of Marbella, Ángeles Muñoz, has valued tourism very positively this summer and autumn with optimism. “I want to emphasize the importance of this forecast to maintain the high season, not what was usual, which was only the month of July and a few weeks in August, but it is extended and, therefore, means return for the city, because it is true that although it has fallen somewhat national tourism, international tourism has increased and most importantly, the average expenditure has been much higher than previous years.”